An affidavit is a legal binding document.

In legal terms, an affidavit is similar to a police statement where you claim/accuse another entitiy/individual of wrong doing or transgression of regulations. The police can only act on the basis of your signed statement and launch an investigation.

The Affidavit, signed under oath guarantees that your assertion regarding the facts cannot be doubted or disputed. Therefore, where the affidavit is in place, it will override extended investigation and the matter shall be expedited promptly.

You are not under obligation to Invoke Affidavit Action

As much as the affidavit is not mandatory, but an individual choice to enhance NCR investigation and override unforeseeable delays, the NCR might instruct you to submit an affidavit where it is determined that in your circumstances the affidavit is inevitable.

Fact: Only about 70% of the cases require affidavit.

When you decide to Invoke Affidavit Action, the inhouse legal practitioner shall draft the affidavit based on the information you supplied and other established facts. The draft affidavit shall be emailed to you for commissioning at the nearest police station or commissioner of oaths. 

The legal practitioner charges a fee of R1200 for the drafting of the affidavit, payable in instalments of R300 x 4 months. 

Upon receipt of the commisioned affidavit and first instalment of R300 or full payment, the following process shall follow: 

  1. The assigned case manager shall lodge the dispute with the NCR 
  2. The NCR shall peruse the information supplied and investigate 
  3. Where it is found that there is unlawful conduct or transgression of the regulation, the NCR shall instruct the credit bureaus to remove the debt review flag
  4. The credit bureaus shall remove the flag within 7 days of receipt of NCR instructions
  5. You will receive your updated Credit report with the debt review flag removed


Where the assessment has determined that your matter requires affidavit, we highly suggest that you Invoke the Affidavit action within 24 hours of receiving the notice in order for the legal practitioner to immediately start compliling facts for the draft. The affidavit can eliminate extended correspondence between yourself and the NCR and speedy up the clearance process  
